Archive for September 8th, 2011

How to Embed URL Address Bar in your Taskbar

How to Embed URL Address Bar in your TaskbarSo you browse internet on a daily purpose and sometimes you feel really lazy opening browser than typing a URL to open that website and than browsing that website, well what if you get a URL Address bar right in your Task Bar that will be awesome like Entering URL you wanna browse right in your Task Bar and than browsing that in a browser.

So if you are not getting what I am saying than check an example below .:

So you can see how we got an address bar to search any URL right from your Taskbar, of now you do not need any software to apply this tweak and this a inbuilt tweak given by windows so to get Address Bar in your Taskbar follow the below steps .:

1. Right Click on your Taskbar and then hover on Toolbars and choose Address like below .:

2. Now that’s it you will get Address bar Like Below, now simply enter the URL and Enjoy faster browsing from your Taskbar in this fast world.