Archive for the ‘ Google ’ Category

Google Doodle History and a Nostalgic Showcase

The concept of Google has changed little since its inception. Google is a user-friendly and very useful tool for online searches. We know what to expect of Google already: a search bar to enter the necessary keywords and then in a single click, relevant results are returned. The site is simple and minimal, so it can get ho-hum every once in a while, until Google doodles are born.

Google doodles, in a few words, are modified versions of the classic Google logo. They are often seen on special holidays and or for memorable events. Google doodles are a fun and pleasant surprise, because you never know what you’re gonna get. But do you know the story behind Google doodles? Let’s explore them together, and look at the most memorable examples of all time.

Google Doodle History and a Nostalgic Showcase

The History of Google Doodles

The first doodle was actually in 1998, to commemorate the Burning Man Festival. There is a stick figure behind the ‘o’ in Google. This is to indicate that the founders of Google took part and attended the festival. The design was a nod to the users that the founders were ‘out of office’.

Google doodles became a huge hit, and appeared more and more on other holidays: Christmas, Valentines Day, Thanksgiving, Easter, just to name a few.

Google doodles during the Christmas holidays throughout the years

Soon doodles started to commemorate lesser known events such as: ‘Pi’ day, Hans Christensen’s birthday, the anniversary of Sesame Street, and even the invention of the barcode.

Google is a company with a great sense of humor. Every April Fool’s Day, Google makes hoaxes and pranks that are sometimes silly, sometimes absurd, and always hilarious.

One prank in 2007 was the introduction of the Google TiSP, which is a wireless router that runs through the toilets. Moreover, Google promised that the TiSP has 24 hour, on site technical support in case of backup problems, brownouts, & data wipes.

Another elaborate prank was on April Fool’s of 2006. It was published with the introduction: Dating is a search problem. Solve it with Google Romance’. The search engine tool is used for ‘Soulmate Search’ so users can have a ‘Contextual date’.

Interactive and Flashing Doodles

Recently, Google doodles have gone interactive, and thus, have become more fun. The first interactive doodle was a clickable slideshow of a Halloween candy.

Since then, there have been many unique doodles such as a game, a short film, and more, all on the Google page.
One example is the Google particle logo wherein the particles move away from the cursor every time it moves near.

The Pacman Google doodle is a fun game that celebrates the classic Pacman game. If you missed it when it was on the website last May 22, 2010, you can check and play the game here.

Google celebrated Jim Henson’s 75th birthday on September 24, 2011 with a really funny Google doodle. It’s a pretty nifty doodle, where you can create your own  puppet show. If you missed it, you can still see the Muppet Google Doodle here.

Probably my favorite of all Google Doodles is the Les Paul guitar one. The Les Paul doodle commemorates Les Paul’s 96th birthday. The doodle is extremely fun, it’s playable and you can create and record your own tunes with it.

Some of the Best Google Doodles throughout the years

Here are the best Google doodles from 2001 to 2011.

  • 5/24/2002

A tribute to Dilbert, a famous comic strip celebrating every working man. The Google doodle ran for five days, from Monday to Friday, with a funny comic strip feature everyday.

  • 3/13/2003

March 13 celebrates the 124th birthday of one of the world’s most lovable scientists, Albert Einstein.

  • 1/4/2006

Google in Braille for one day, in celebration of Louise Braille’s birthday.

  • 12/12/2006

The Scream logo was featured on December 12, also Edvard Munch’s birthday.

  • 5/6/2008

Celebrating the invention of the first laser

  • 6/6/2009

Creative Google Doodle with the ‘l’ still dangling on top. This was for the 25th Anniversary of Tetris.

  • 3/14/2010

March 14, or 3/14, is a big day for math nerds worldwide. It’s Pi Day– the celebration of the ‘perfect number’, which is 3.14 (or let’s be exact; 3.14159265).

  • 9/30/2010

Who can forget the Flintstones? On September 30, 2010, Google commemorated the 50th anniversary of this dearly loved classic cartoon.

  • 11/27/2010

Google celebrated Bruce Lee’s birthday with this special tribute.

  • 4/3/2011

Celebration of the invention of the ice cream sundae, made on the same date exactly 119 years ago. Yum!

  • 2/14/2011

The Google doodle for Valentines day of 2011 is inspired by Robert Indiana’s renowned LOVE sculpture. The original sculpture has been on exhibit at the Indianapolis Museum of Art since the 70s, but now the sculpture has been reproduced in all types of media and colors and is on display around the world.

  • 08/06/2011

In honor of the Chinese Valentines Day in 2011, Google featured the doodle in selected countries celebrating the holiday: in China, Hong Kong, Singapore, Brunei and Taiwan.

  • 12/23/2011

During the holidays, Google made another really great interactive doodle. The doodle is inspired by string lights, carols and popular Christmas icons. Ho, ho, ho!

  • 1/7/2012

A Google doodle in honor of the famous and creepy Addams family, in honor of Charles Addams’ 100th birthday.

Doodle your Google Now!

Google Doodle is currently accepting submissions until March 23, 2012. This time there will be winners for all States!

Google Products that have Failed to Impress


Google servicesGoogle – the more I pronounce the word, the greater is my feeling of honor for it. Sometimes it makes me wonder what it is that Google cannot accomplish. Another question that constantly peeps into my mind is – Has any of its services / products so far failed to impress? Well the answer is, yes.

While the first question can hardly have any answers, the second is an interesting one. This world-class search engine has done wonders to the internet world. It has been a friend, philosopher, guide, instructor and many more to billions of internet users across the globe.

What it has done to the world and the people in it are many. That can hardly be put in words. On the contrary, let us here, discuss briefly on those few Google products that have failed to impress the world.

1. Google Buzz

google buzz Google Products that have Failed to Impress

Google Buzz had come and gone without being noticed by many. The service was supposed to help people share photos, videos and conversations. A series of drawbacks had stopped this service from being popular. One major recede about the product was its inability to maintain privacy. The status indication / message go public and are integrated with Gmail.

The ‘Google Keyword Search tool’ itself tells you that Google Buzz is more often surfed with the keywords “disable Google buzz, delete Google buzz, remove Google buzz” etc. This naturally shows that Google Buzz tool has failed miserably. Moreover, Google itself has withdrawn the service months after its launch.

2. Side Wiki

google sidewiki Google Products that have Failed to Impress

Google Side Wiki, a tool used to share public opinion on particular websites and other site pages has failed miserably. Google promoted this product with a big hype but it ended up being a favorite service only to those that love to spam around heavily, creating an unjust favor to themselves.

3. Google Wave  

wavelogo Google Products that have Failed to Impress

The tool was initially launched for blogging on different topics, sharing information and much more stuff. Though this service was promising, it finally ended up in the wrong side. There are number of reasons owing to its failures like lack of innovativeness, a lot of options with complex operations and many more.

4. Google Knol

google knol Google Products that have Failed to Impress

Google Knol was Google’s answer to Wikipedia. This is the first time Google attempts to copy a concept from others without any refreshing changes. The project quickly kissed the dust as expected. Though the failure of this product has not been announced officially, it was clearly observed that people have stopped showing enthusiasm on it. Another reason for its failure is the quality of its articles. They are so poorly written and organized that people may not visit them again.

5. Google Plus

Finally, this might be awfully shocking to you. I am in no way an Anti-Googlist, if I may call it that way. Google Plus is known to be Google’s answer to Facebook. Some of the experts so far, have turned their backs to it, claiming that Google Plus is in no way as impressive as the Facebook. To start with, they lack enough innovations. Some opinions say that they might have been developed only to put up a threat to Facebook, Google’s rival.

Google plus e1323980917573 Google Products that have Failed to Impress

Interestingly, the number of followers on Google Plus has increased considerably over time. But it has been frequently complained of giving a not-at-home feeling. The service lacks the mass appeal and the home-like feeling of Facebook. Though it would be too early to call this product, a failure, it does not effectively show a promising future. Hence this could end up as another half-hearted appeal from Google.

“The absolute fundamental aim is to make money out of satisfying customers” ~ Sir John Egan, A British Industrialist. Google has been awesome in doing it for years now. If some of these rare failures could be avoided, this giant body is bound to become stronger and greater in future.